Saturday, March 14, 2020

Excalibur #6 by Tomm Coker

Excalibur #6
(January, 2020)
Cover by Tomm Coker, Michael Garland
Cyclops and Phoenix
Dark Phoenix Saga 40th Anniversary Variant (6 of 12)

"Using her telekinetic powers to hold back
Cyclops' optic blasts without his visor, Jean
Grey kisses him in the New Mexico desert."

"Watch The Throne"
Artwork  Marcus To
Colors  Erick Arciniega
Letters  Cory Petit
Writer  Tini Howard

X-Men #132 (1980)
Artwork by John Byrne, Terry Austin, Glynis Wein
"And Hellfire Is Their Name!"
Inspirational Piece

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